Am I Pregnant? Free Pregnancy Testing in Northern Kentucky
If you had a positive home pregnancy test or are experiencing common symptoms of pregnancy, you may be asking, “Am I pregnant?” Here are some signs and symptoms of pregnancy that can help you answer this question.
Early signs of pregnancy:
- I’ve missed a period
- I feel like throwing up sometimes
- My breasts feel tender
- I have to pee more often
- I’m more tired than usual
- I’m having mood swings
Although not everyone experiences these signs, the symptoms above are commonly associated with early pregnancy.1 Most tests you can buy are very reliable, but only a physician or other appropriate healthcare professional can confirm that you are pregnant. Learn about our free confidential pregnancy services in Florence, Cold Spring and Williamstown.
Pregnancy Testing & Ultrasound
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is time to take a pregnancy test. Request an appointment for a free and confidential consultation, pregnancy test and verify your pregnancy by ultrasound*. Get the answer to your question, “Am I pregnant?”
*Ultrasound scans are used to confirm the presence of a viable, uterine pregnancy. We do not use ultrasound to determine gender or diagnose abnormalities. Eligibility criteria may apply. Contact us for more information about what is and what isn’t covered in your free ultrasound. Learn more about why you might need an ultrasound.
Do I need an ultrasound before an abortion?
An abortion clinic may or may not offer an ultrasound before an abortion, though sometimes they do. An ultrasound can confirm a viable pregnancy and estimate how far along in pregnancy you are. If you are considering abortion, an ultrasound will provide important information that will tell you more about your options. Abortion costs vary depending on how far along you are and the abortion procedure that you receive. Speak with us today about our free and confidential ultrasound services.
Considering abortion? Learn about abortion procedures and abortion costs. CareNet Pregnancy Services of Northern Kentucky is here for you, and provides free, confidential, and non-judgmental support and advice.
Abortion Information for Northern Kentucky
Cold Spring, KY
3700 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, KY 41035
(859) 781-9878
Monday – Thursday: 10am-5pm
Williamstown, KY
103 Barnes Road, Suite E
Williamstown, KY 41097
(859) 824-0123
Monday: 3pm-7pm
Wednesday: 10am-5pm
Thursday: 3pm-7pm
Florence, KY
7129 Price Pike
Florence, KY 41042
(859) 282-9878
Monday: 10am-7pm
Tuesday: 10am-5pm
Wednesday 10am-5pm
Thursday: 10am-5pm