Request an Appointment
Please call the center for an appointment convenient to your schedule and at no cost.
Thank you for choosing Care Net Pregnancy Services of Northern KY. We look forward to serving you. In order to prepare for your visit, please consider the following:
- All of our services are free of charge and completely confidential. No insurance is required.
Determining viability of pregnancy is important as 20-25% of all pregnancies end in early pregnancy miscarriage. - Care Net is able to provide same day viability ultrasound scans and doctor confirmation of pregnancy early in the pregnacy.
- A positive pregnancy test is required and is provided for free before an ultrasound is performed.
- Care Net will also provide options education on the abortion pill, surgical abortion methods, and adoption.
- To protect your privacy, you will need to bring a photo ID or allow us to take your picture.
- Your medical appointment may take up to 2 hours.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are experiencing any bleeding, cramping or other physical discomfort that concerns you, DO NOT wait for your appointment. We do not provide urgent care. Instead, seek immediate medical attention and do not hesitate to contact your physician, visit the Emergency Room or call 911 in emergency situation. Schedule your appointment now for a pregnancy test, abortion information, pregnancy verification or same day ultrasound. You may also call with questions or to schedule an appointment 859-282-9878.
Pregnancy Clinic Locations in Northern Kentucky
Cold Spring, KY
3700 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, KY 41035
(859) 781-9878
Monday – Thursday: 10am-5pm
Note: This location is not handicap accessible at this time.

Williamstown, KY
103 Barnes Road, Suite E
Williamstown, KY 41097
(859) 824-0123
Monday: 3pm-7pm
Wednesday: 10am-5pm
Thursday: 3pm-7pm

Florence, KY
7129 Price Pike
Florence, KY 41042
(859) 282-9878
Monday: 10am-5pm
Tuesday: 10am-5pm
Wednesday 10am-5pm
Thursday: 10am-5pm

Center Against Forced Abortions
The Justice Foundation has developed a project called Center Against Forced Abortions (“CAFA”) which provides tools to protect and advise every pregnant mother facing this situation. Forcing or coercing a mother into an unwanted abortion is illegal.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
If you are a victim of trafficking or you believe you know someone who is, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline for assistance or contact your local law enforcement.
TO GET HELP: 1-888-373-7888
Safe Haven Laws
Many states have laws that allow you to anonymously relinquish (that is, leave) a newborn in a safe place (such as a hospital) without any penalty. Call or text: